House Search

Start by thinking about your situation. Are you ready to buy a home How much can you afford in a monthly mortgage payment How much space do you need What areas of town do you like After you answer these questions, make a "To Do" list and start doing casual research. Talk to friends and family, drive through neighborhoods, and look in the "Homes" section of the newspaper.

Your home should fit way you live, with spaces and features that appeal to the whole family. Before you begin looking at homes, make a list of your priorities - things like location and size. Should the house be close to certain schools your job to public transportation How large should the house be What type of lot do you prefer What kinds of amenities are you looking for Establish a set of minimum requirements and a 'wish list." Minimum requirements are things that a house must have for you to consider it, while a "wish list" covers things that you'd like to have but aren't essential.

Select a community that will allow you to best live your daily life. Many people choose communities based on schools. Do you want access to shopping and public transportation Is access to local facilities like libraries and museums important to you Or do you prefer the peace and quiet of a rural community When you find places that you like, talk to people that live there. They know the most about the area and will be your future neighbors. More than anything, you want a neighborhood where you feel comfortable in.