Once you have figured out what kind of home are looking for, the next thing to do is to search for the best possible deal. Although this is the toughest part of the whole home buying process, doing your homework certainly does help. There are two ways of doing this. Searching on your own or by hiring a real estate agent and letting them do the hard work for you! Leverage their experience!
In case you are looking to do it yourself, here are a few tips that would certainly help.
The easiest way to do this is the Internet! The best way to find what you should expect for your hard earned money is to surf all the real estate sites and see what is available in your price range! Make a Short list of all the houses that meet most of your (written down) requirements.
Searching for real estate over the net is so much easier than browsing a newspaper because you can key in your personal search criteria and don't have to be bothered with the vast number of listings that aren't for you. Internet real estate sites offer customized search options that allow you to zero in on your key requirements.
Local newspapers would be a better bet in case you are looking to buy a house in the same locality. Sunday newspapers generally have a number of good listings.
Make sure that you visit each and every house short listed. Call the landlord well in advance and set up an appointment. Don't shy away from taking as many inspections as you want.